
Reintegrating Former Fighters, DDR in an Era of Countering Violent Extremism

Fri & Sat, January 19-20, 2018

Description: This course provides an overview of and a practitioner framework for conflict landscapes where Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) is mandated in CVE settings. Since 1989, over 60 DDR mandates have been put into effect globally; in each case DDR was part of the peace agreement.  In the last 5-years conflict has changed.  Across Africa, through the Middle East, Asia and beyond DDR is being called for in ‘non-permissive‘ settings – during asymmetric conflict where ‘terrorist‘ groups and violent extremists dot the conflict landscape. Groups like Boko Haram, Al Shabaab, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, the Islamic State and others are operating in settings where DDR interfaces with CVE. Utilizing a practitioner approach to conflict and political risk analysis, participants are trained/educated with the skills to provide upstream support to policy makers, and downstream programmatic advice to practitioners where designing and implementing a CVE-DDR initiative.

Trainer: Dean M. Piedmont, Managing Director, Lecturer & Professor, The Preventing/Countering Violent Extremism Initiative  [bio]
Fee: $289 Professionals / $259 student rate
Location: 5301 Wisconsin Ave NW #B1, Washington, DC 20015

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