PSR: December 8, 2017


<!-- This week in Peace & Security, brought to you every Friday | unsub | December 2 - December 8     This week in:  IPSI | Africa | Americas | East Asia | Europe & Central Asia | Middle East | South Asia     [...]

PSR: December 8, 20172019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

PSR: December 01, 2017


<!-- This week in Peace & Security, brought to you every Friday | unsub | November 25 - December 01     This week in: Peace & Security Publications |  IPSI | Africa | Americas | East Asia | Europe & Central Asia | Middle East | South [...]

PSR: December 01, 20172019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

Negotiating for Peace as a Non-State Actor


Fri. & Sat., April 13 – 14, 2017, 9am-5pm Description: Non-state actors can focus entirely on finding pathways to end violence and build peace rather than advancing narrow national interests or government policies. Official negotiations [...]

Negotiating for Peace as a Non-State Actor2019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

Projects with Impact: Results-Based Design 101


Sat., March 24, 2018, 9am-5pm Description: Have you ever wondered what impact your work will have? Setting clear goals and outcomes for your project and identifying the right indicators to measure your progress will [...]

Projects with Impact: Results-Based Design 1012019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

Integrating Gender Considerations Into Your Work


Sat., March 3, 2018, 9am-5pm Description: Have you ever been told you need to integrate "gender considerations" into your work, nodded and wondered what the heck that meant? Or, perhaps you've heard that women [...]

Integrating Gender Considerations Into Your Work2019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

Enhancing Your Resilience: A Practical Approach


Date: TBA Description: This one-day training will explore the concept of resilience as something a person does, rather than something a person is. The training will elaborate and describe (in a practical way)  the [...]

Enhancing Your Resilience: A Practical Approach2019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

Building Sustainable NGOs for Social Impact


Thurs. & Fri., February 22 - 23, 2018, 9am-5pm Description: Over two days of interactive workshop activities, participants will explore the major ideas, trends, processes, and unique qualities animating the design and launch of [...]

Building Sustainable NGOs for Social Impact2019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

Counter-Messaging: Using Traditional and Social Media for CVE


Thurs. & Fri., February 8-9, 2018, 9am-5pm Description: To effectively prevent and counter violent extremist propaganda, individuals and organizations that work on the PVE/CVE space must be equipped to engage violent extremists, influencers and potential [...]

Counter-Messaging: Using Traditional and Social Media for CVE2019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

Civilian Protection: Skills for Practitioners


Fri., February 2, 2018, 9am-5pm Description: Drawing on current best practices in the field, this course teaches practical skills that enable armed and unarmed actors in violent conflicts to prevent and mitigate abuses toward civilians. The course [...]

Civilian Protection: Skills for Practitioners2019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00

The Virtuous Cycle: Building Resilient Governance Systems


Sat., January 27, 2018, 9am-5pm Description: This course introduces the notion that formal governments exert authority only within broader governance systems in which individuals and groups representing diverse interests also exert authority. The course explores [...]

The Virtuous Cycle: Building Resilient Governance Systems2019-01-02T18:19:37+00:00
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