Saturday, July 3 – Venice day trip


Many students took advantage of our second weekend in Italy, and trips spread out across the peninsula from Florence to Milan.  Another group bound for Venice truly defined the global reach of the IPSI program: [...]

Saturday, July 3 – Venice day trip2019-01-02T18:19:50+00:00

Friday, July 2 – Conflict Resolution


Friday was sort of a low day as none of the scheduled speakers was able to make it due to reasons beyond their control. The speakers scheduled for the day were Jeffrey Mapendere and Betty [...]

Friday, July 2 – Conflict Resolution2019-01-02T18:19:50+00:00

Thursday, July 1 – Conflict Resolution


Day 11, and everyone was pretty keen for today’s speaker. To kick off proceedings Gareth Evans spoke to us on: nuclear proliferation, R2P and peace v justice. GREAT! Its exactly what we needed, after a [...]

Thursday, July 1 – Conflict Resolution2019-01-02T18:19:50+00:00
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